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Carrie Esposito, Author, Writer, Poet, Educational Consultant

Carrie Esposito

Carrie Esposito is a writer living outside of New York City. She misses the mountains of Colorado where she lived for a decade with her family. She was delighted to be a 2023 Bread Loaf Fiction Scholar. Her stories have been published in The Georgia Review, Ruminate Magazine, The Forge Literary Magazine, Taco Bell Quarterly, Literary Mama, MonkeyBicycle, The MacGuffin, Pif Magazine, King Ludd's Rag (by Malarkey Books), the Ms. Aligned anthology, Mused, Everyday Fiction, and in Slab Literary Magazine where her story won first prize in the William Boggs Fiction contest. Her nonfiction has appeared in Litro Magazine and the Times Union. She has poetry in Tipton Poetry Journal, Nostalgia Press, and Porcupine Literary. Carrie is a Fiction Editor at The Weight Journal, an Educational Consultant in NYC schools, and a professor of Global Humanities.

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